Brett Emeny has owned Trojan T-28C # 563 [ex-USN Bu.140563] for a number of years, Peter Vause is also the proud owner of Trojan T-28B # 973 [ex-US Navy Bu.137801] which he bought from Australia in 2018. Both aircraft are painted in the same US Navy colour scheme and although both pilots have displayed Warbirds aircraft for a number of years they have also now commenced displaying the Trojans at shows around New Zealand as a team.
Peter Vause
Peter is a retired Petroleum Engineer and lives in New Plymouth. He is a current PPL which he gained in 1971 and has multi engine and single pilot IFR ratings and over 2500 flying hours. He flies his own Yak-52, coloured black and white (ZK-PTE) and also owns and displays a T28 Trojan and an Aero Vodochody L39 Albatross, plus he is also a pilot for the Catalina syndicate. Peter demonstrates that pilots of any experience level can become a great formation aerobatic display pilot.
Brett Emeny
Soloing at the age of 16, Brett is a well-known Taranaki flying entity and has over 35 years experience as a commercial fixed wing and helicopter pilot. Brett is a NZ Warbirds supervising instructor for low level aerobatics and formation training and has trained many pilots in formation aerobatics and display flying in both piston and jet aircraft. Brett also owns, flies and displays his own Vampire and Yak-52 and is Chief Pilot for the Catalina syndicate.